Our Story

The ‘North Country’ is a truly lovely area in NNY nestled between Lake Ontario, the majestic 1000 islands and the foothills of the Adirondacks! We have been blessed to live, work and raise our families in this community, and are beyond happy to share our homes with you.

We have beautiful accommodations in two locations for you to relax, enjoy and explore this amazing area.

The ‘North Country’ is a truly lovely area in NNY nestled between Lake Ontario, the majestic 1000 islands and the foothills of the Adirondacks! We have been blessed to live, work and raise our families in this community, and are beyond happy to share our homes with you.

The ‘North Country’ is a truly lovely area in NNY nestled between Lake Ontario, the majestic 1000 islands and the foothills of the Adirondacks! We have been blessed to live, work and raise our families in this community, and are beyond happy to share our homes with you.

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North Country Hospitality